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One Lap Ariel Atom Passenger Ride
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Why not give them a special reminder of their day by purchasing a video of the experience for the driver, which will show them driving their favourite supercars! Usual price £35.00 * This is not required if included in experience
Video of Experience Memory Stick (£30.00)
This cover only applies to experiences up to a value of £299. Please refer to our terms and conditions for more details of cancellation cover or contact the office for more information.
Cancellation Cover (£20.00)
Ariel Atom Passenger Ride for 2
Upgrade your experience with the premium track upgrade for Castle Combe, Dunsfold Park, Anglesey Race Circuit, and Llandow Circuit
Llandow Only (£19.00)
Any Premium Track (£35.00)
Before your drive have a lap of the track with one of our instructors who will give you tips on how to drive the track better.
Demonstration Lap (£10.00)
Mazda MX5 (Hot Ride Car)
Multi-Lap Radical Race Car Passenger Experience
Supercar Passenger Laps Experience
Double Supercar Passenger Ride
Triple Supercar Passenger Blast Experience
Crazy SRTaxi (Hot Ride Car) Passenger Experience
Premium Passenger Laps Experience
Ultimate Passenger Experience